Tornado Pummels Arkansas Capital as Sprawling Spring Storm Move East

A fierce tornado blasted through Little Rock, Arkansas, on Friday, ripping away roofs and walls from many buildings, uprooting trees, flipping over vehicles and leaving hundreds of people injured, according to media reports.The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences…

Dems who accused Trump of trying to jail opponents voice support for Trump grand jury indictment

Some House Democrats who previously condemned former President Donald Trump for threatening to jail political opponents had a different reaction after a Manhattan grand jury’s decision to bring criminal charges against the leading Republican presidential candidate. “Threatening to jail political opponents is something despots do. This is dangerous and beneath our great country,” Rep. Katherine […]

2 Swiss regional trains derail in storm, leaving over a dozen injured

Two regional trains in Switzerland derailed in separate incidents, injuring more than a dozen people Friday after a storm brought high winds and strong rains to the small Alpine nation, police said. The incidents occurred at L?scherz and B?ren zum Hof, near the western city of Bern, police said. In B?ren zum Hof, a police […]

Andrew Tate released from detention and moved to house arrest in Romania

Read More Andrew Tate, the divisive social media influencer who has spent months in a Romanian jail on suspicion of organised crime and human trafficking, has won an appeal to replace his detention with house arrest. The Bucharest court of appeal ruled in favour of Tate’s appeal, which challenged a judge’s decision last week to […]

Bill to Criminalize Aiding Idaho Minors’ Abortions Passes

A bill that would criminalize helping minors obtain an abortion without parental consent won final passage in Idaho’s legislature on Thursday and is headed to the desk of Republican Gov. Brad Little.The measure would be the first of its kind in the U.S. It seeks to restrict…

Soros Denies Any Connection to Alvin Bragg

Billionaire George Soros, a prominent Democratic Party donor, claimed Friday that he does not know the Manhattan district attorney who charged former President Donald Trump. Soros told Semafor that he “did not contribute” any money toward District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s …

Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels: What you need to know

Former President Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury on Thursday after a years-long investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. The grand jury indictment is under seal. At this point, it is unclear exactly what the former president has been charged with, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been investigating Trump for […]

Biden calls devastated Mississippi town Rolling Fork ‘Rolling Stone’

President Biden accidentally referred to the town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi as “Rolling Stone” on Friday, in the wake of tornados that have devastated parts of the Mississippi Delta. Rolling Fork was hit by an EF4 tornado on March 25. The devastating whirlwinds killed at least 25 people in the region at the time, according […]